Meet our sweet young friend, Giana! At three years old, Giana isn’t quite sure what career path she intends to embark on. Giana is, however, a very social and outgoing young lady and doesn’t get to spend as much time with her friends as other kids her age due to treatments and doctor appointments. So, she asked us to find her a “big kid friend” who could spend time with her and play during her hospital appointments. We had just the perfect Big Kid Friend and were so excited to introduce Giana to our friend Julie, a pre-med student at Pitt!
​These two new friends met for the first time last week and hit it off immediately with smiles all around!
Giana was riddled with much anticipated excitement on the car ride to the hospital knowing her new Big Kid Friend would be there waiting for her. Julie, equally excited to meet her new friend, arrived bright and early for Giana’s 7:30 AM appointment.
Wasting no time, Giana immediately began all of sharing her “favorites”: her favorite games, favorite toys, favorite color. They discovered they have much in common, including pink colored bedrooms, a love of all things Toy Story, and a fondness for creating make-believe worlds out of Play-Doh.
On her way home from the hospital that day, Giana told all who would listen about her new Big Kid Friend, and how she can’t wait to see her the next time she has to go to the hospital.