by Mia DiBagno
Blake Buckel is a CHAMP! We really couldn’t say enough on this subject! Blake is one of our young Pirates fans and a super strong (and super cool) kiddo!
This past Friday, as Pittsburgh took on the San Diego Padres, the Pirates held their annual StandUp2Cancer night. During the 7th inning stretch, fans were asked to literally stand up to cancer and share who they were standing for! Blake was in the crowd and our little champ stood tall for himself! We have some super cute pictures below!
Blake’s Mom, Amanda, said, “What a great game for a great cause! Seeing all the SU2C signs being held up during the 7th inning stretch was very touching! It was definitely a great experience! Blake said, ‘It was awesome!'”
Did I mention that the Pirates won?! AWESOME!
Connecting Champions took part in the night’s festivities by tabling at the pre-game block party and passing out gold ribbons! The gold had a dual purpose – supporting our team (of course) and, more importantly, supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness!Â