Davis’s Dreams Become “Virtual” Reality!

When elementary schooler Davis told us how much he loves all sorts of video games, we knew he was ready for a special Connecting Champions adventure.

That’s why we introduced him to Shawn Patton, a video game designer at Schell Games!

Did you know? Schell Games is the largest full-service education and entertainment game company in the country!


After one of Davis’s visits to the hospital, Shawn invited Davis to his office to explore his world of video game making and video game testing. Davis would have tested Shawn’s games all day if he could have!

Shawn was particularly excited to show off the Lego building Virtual Reality game that he helped to develop. Shawn was also excited to show off his amazing work place, complete with a new crow’s nest, secret doors, and hidden rooms. Everyone loved the visit. Davis loved how all the employees’ desks were littered with the coolest toys and it was hard to pull everyone away from the Virtual Reality machines (mom and dad included). 

As you can tell, he’s very serious at work!


Friendship moments like these are so special. Instead of trips to Pittsburgh being a time for pricks and prods, for procedures and news about his illness, friendships like these help it become a place where he has a special friend waiting just for him.

Connecting Champions question: If you could go anywhere in the world through virtual reality, where would you go?

Activity Kits

National Geographic Science Magic Kit

​Help 8-year-old Joe

Future Scientist

Get a science experiment kit to explore with his mentor!

​Help 9-year-old Myla

Future Artist

Get art supplies to create with her mentor!

Help 23-year-old Erik

Future Coffee Barista

Get coffee supplies to learn how to create specialty drinks with his mentor!

The pandemic showed many people what social isolation is really like. It also showed there are many other great ways to connect. That’s why we launched our activity kits. These mailed out packages provide fun activities for our mentors and kids/young adults to do together — virtually.

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