Music runs through Ross’s blood. At 23 years old, he is comfortable and confident in his abilities to create and produce music, releasing it for the world to hear. However, Ross is unfamiliar with the business of the music industry. That’s where his mentor, musician’s attorney Chaka, comes into play.
“Ross is learning that side of the business so when he is releasing his own music, he has all that information,” says Connecting Champions Pittsburgh program specialist Matthew. “He doesn’t need to go to someone else for it, thanks to Chaka. He’s kind of running his own show.”
Ross and Chaka discuss all different ways to bring more attention to Ross’s music, whether that be an upcoming film series for a few songs or the release of exciting music videos to promote the songs and add another element to Ross’s craft.

When their video calls start, Ross is ready to get right down to business.
“They’re pretty focused conversations,” says Matthew. “We’ll just go on, I’ll say a tiny spiel, and then I take a backseat. Ross always has at least one or two questions that he is ready to ask Chaka.”
While a majority of their conversations detail the business of the music industry, they are also able to get into the emotional appeal of music. Ross tells Chaka about the story behind his music or videos as he is able to dig even deeper into what the music is truly saying.
“Ross knows his music,” says Matthew. “He doesn’t need any guidance in that he knows who he is; he knows what he wants to release and what he wants to write. He’s asking for support and helping in the other areas, a role that Chaka has been incredible in.”
The talented 23-year-old Ross plans to release new music throughout the year and, thanks to the perfect harmony Chaka provides, the sky is the limit for Ross.