Special Post: “Grace for the Day”

Our post last week featured Emma’s fun-filled day in the kitchen with Chef John – see what Emma’s Mom had to say in her own blog post about her daughter’s amazing experience:

During hospital stays and clinic visits, Emma has been visited by wonderful folks from Connecting Champions.  Connecting Champions (Connecting Children with Champions) was formed for the purpose of connecting kids who have been diagnosed with cancer with role models and friends in a field of their interest.  From book store owners for kids who love to read, to sports broadcasters for kids who love sports announcing, to officers for kids who dream to become members of the police force, Connecting Champions has connected many kids with heroes and friends to bring a positive experience to their journey.

Emma’s Friendship Champion, Jen, has spent time getting to know her interests and passions to plan something special for her.  Not far into their conversations, she knew what would make a perfect day for Emma – the opportunity to shadow a chef at work.  So, in spite of low counts, Emma spent several hours learning from an amazing chef in his kitchen today.  Chef John of Parkhurst Dining taught her so much about flavor combinations, knife skills, and how to take a meal from common to exceptional.  Emma thoroughly enjoyed every minute with Chef John and learned more than we could have imagined – it truly was an amazing day for her.

Even her exhaustion tonight couldn’t dampen her excitement about the day that she, Rich, and Kate had with Chef John.  (Ironically, the family member who needed Chef’s help the most was still in “isolation” in an attempt to keep everyone healthy – maybe another time!)  It was an unforgettable day, and we are grateful to Chef John and Jen, Emma’s Friendship Champion, for making the day so perfect!

​We are so grateful for the kindness of Connecting Champions and Chef John for Emma’s unforgettable day.  We are thankful she was healthy enough to enjoy the day.

Activity Kits

National Geographic Science Magic Kit

​Help 8-year-old Joe

Future Scientist

Get a science experiment kit to explore with his mentor!

​Help 9-year-old Myla

Future Artist

Get art supplies to create with her mentor!

Help 23-year-old Erik

Future Coffee Barista

Get coffee supplies to learn how to create specialty drinks with his mentor!

The pandemic showed many people what social isolation is really like. It also showed there are many other great ways to connect. That’s why we launched our activity kits. These mailed out packages provide fun activities for our mentors and kids/young adults to do together — virtually.

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