While in the process of working out some exciting opportunities for Thomas in his dream profession: cyber-security, we decided to introduce him to our good friends at Schell Games.

Thomas, along with his brother and mom, got a full tour of the Schell Games headquarters, including the work spaces where the video game developers make the magic happen, secret passage ways and corridors, and the testing facilities where the games are play tested. They were able to play test a brand new demo of an upcoming game in virtual reality, play Schell’s hit virtual reality game “I Expect You To Die,” and even got to play Schell’s augmented reality Star Wars game with coaching from the lead developer!

Because of the nature of their work and the fact that they work for some pretty high profile clients, Schell can’t talk about all of their exciting games coming up through development, but that sure didn’t stop Thomas from taking a few guesses! We will just have to wait and see if his guesses were right!
Stay tuned for some exciting adventures we have planned for Thomas in Cyber-security! And as always, a huge thank you to our wonderful friends at Schell!