Guest post from former Connecting Champions intern, Little Champ Volunteer, and Pitt Connecting Champions Vice President:
Izzy- “During my sophomore year of college, I was looking for a new club to join when I stumbled upon the Pitt Connecting Champions club. After one year as a member, I became vice president of the club where I had the opportunity to work closely with Sidney and his team to plan fundraisers and events for some of the kids in Connecting Champions. I was also given the opportunity to be a Little Champs volunteer, where I met my friend Avery. I would visit Avery at CHP each week where we would have a blast playing games and making crafts together. Having the opportunity to be a part of some of the amazing things that Connecting Champions does for the kids really sparked my interest in doing more for the organization, which is when I decided to apply for the Friendship Assistant internship. One of my favorite things about working with Connecting Champions was that my role allowed me to watch our friendships grow. I would see pictures and hear the story of how each kid met their role model, and then I had the opportunity to follow the friendships as they grew and to see each of the special moments that we made possible for the kids. Although my time as a Friendship Assistant has come to an end, I am so grateful to continue to be a part of the Connecting Champions family and to watch the friendships continue to grow!”